How to Get Rid of My AI on Snapchat Without Snapchat Plus

Snapchat My AI delete

Hello everyone! Welcome to In this post, I'm going to be showing you exactly what you need to do to remove My AI from your Snapchat right now, super easy and fast, so make sure you read this post to the end if you want to find out how. 

As you guys all know, recently we got a brand new Snapchat update that gave us all the My AI feature. And what this essentially is, it's basically an AI Snapchat created that you can talk to it and ask it anything you want. 

And of course, personally, I think it's pretty cool, but it can get quite annoying when it's always appearing in your feed. And one of the questions everyone asks is, how do you get rid of the My AI in Snapchat? Because Snapchat has actually stopped you from deleting it like a normal snap.

For example, if I want to delete any other snap, let's take the one from Team Snapchat, for example, all I need to do is hold on the snap, press chat settings, and then you can press clear from chat feed. And when you press that, it will go ahead and clear that one right there, so you've got no snaps. But with the My AI, if you hold it down, you can't clear it from the chat feed.

And that's what everyone wants to know. They want to know how to remove the My AI for free. Because guys, as you know, to remove My AI right now, what you basically need to do is to be a subscriber of Snapchat Plus. As you guys know, Snapchat Plus is Snapchat's paid subscription service. And that is basically the only way to remove it right now. But in this post, I'm going to be showing you how to remove it for free without subscribing to Snapchat Plus. So make sure you read all the way to the end.

Personally, I also think it's kind of annoying that Snapchat has made it that you literally need to pay the money to remove the My AI. So ofcourse, guys, I'm going to be showing you the workaround and exactly what you need to do in this post to remove it for free. And this works on any platform, being it iPhone, iPad, Android, it doesn't really matter.

What you need to do is to go ahead and just click on your profile. Once you load your profile, click the settings in the top right-hand corner. Once you've clicked on that, what you actually need to do is to come all the way down to the bottom, and press 'I have a suggestion'. 

Of course, when you press I have a suggestion, it's going to load a menu right there. And once you get to this section, what you need to go ahead and do is  click on any menu and type in, "I want to remove my AI from my Snapchat". 

Then, you can just choose any topic and send. It doesn't matter because, Snapchat is going to go ahead and remove the my AI feature from your profile. Once you do the suggestion, all you guys have to go ahead and do is just submit that. 

You can add an attachment if you guys feel to, but of course, it doesn't really matter. You can just like add a random screenshot. I normally just add random screenshots. So yeah, just add a random screenshot and type in I want to remove my AI. Once you've got that typed in, press submit, it's going to say, we appreciate your feedback. And Snapchat will go ahead and do your suggestion.

Thanks for reading it. And of course, basically once you do that, what's going to happen is, it takes about one to two business days for Snapchat to see and respond to your suggestion, but Snapchat is going to see your request. And they will go ahead and remove my AI from your individual Snapchat account. 

That is basically the only real way to do it right now without Snapchat plus. And like I was saying, guys, it takes about one to two days because of course, Snapchat has a team of people working and they're getting so many people doing that and suggesting different things every single day, it will just take a couple of days to get to your request. 

After one to two days, they will go ahead and just remove the my AI from your Snapchat. I already did this on my account, guys, and they removed it basically after three days. So we'll see how long it takes to be there. Just do that. And after a few days, it will remove my AI for you.


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